The Most Slippery Place On Earth

Let’s play a little game. Run through this random list. When you hit a question, answer as fast as you can and move on!




1. Remember  these words: apple, television,  lamb.

2. Do you find it hard to remember lists?

3. Have you had trouble remembering names?

4. What’s the name of your favourite secondary school teacher?

5. What’s the very last word you said yesterday?

6. What was your favourite food as a child?

7. What did you have for lunch three days ago?

8. How many colours in total are on the new Grow360 logo?

9. What are the words from question 1? *don’t look up!!!*

Hope that was fun. You could also fire these questions at a friend/sibling with you and compare results. Our minds have a way of retaining certain facts while discarding others. If you’re like me, I’m  surprised I recalled my favourite secondary school teacher faster than my lunch just 72 hours ago or how question 6 was easier to answer than question 5.

You’d think I should recall the recent facts faster but hey, that’s just how the mind works. I remember how awkward I once felt being stuck for close to 10 minutes while filling out a form at the bank simply because I couldn’t recall my account number! Stop laughing – you’ve probably done worse.

#AugustIsComing is in its last hours and very soon, this ‘thing’ we’ve been going on about will be unveiled. Because it will focus on you (hint!) and may require some reflection and interaction to get the best of the process (hint! hint!), I’d like to suggest that you don’t rely too much on your memory (you just proved me right, remember? ). You already know it can be the most slippery place on earth.

As we go through the month, you may have eureka! moments or times when you just need personal clarity. Streams of thoughts and flashes of insight may bubble up. Decisions made and questions to investigate along the way. Capture them somewhere safe – a notepad, diary, computer or mobile device.

Whether you’re a ‘Dear Diary’ person or you’d rather take a picture of a friend’s class notes than pick up a pen, we bet you can relate with the embarrassment of struggling to recall ideas or information simply because you were too trusting with your capacity to recall.

This is the last post on the #AugustIsComing series. So far we’ve asked you to (click on each bullet point to read the full post):

The next time we meet, we’d be standing at the takeoff line, fully geared up for the month-long race ahead. We hope you’d join us on the tracks as well. Look out! August ain’t  coming – it’s here.

Live by Design. 

BBM : 514C3DD7 



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